

Python Basics 6: Error Handling

Published Jan 17, 2016


Exceptions are used to report errors or other exceptional conditions. If an exceptions is not handled, it will print a traceback indicating what kind of exception occurred and where it originated in the code.

Exceptions are reported with the raise statement. An error message can be supplied in parentheses.

>>> raise Exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>> raise Exception("this is the message")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
Exception: this is the message

There are many kinds of exceptions. They all derive from BaseException and most derive from Exception. Some of the more common ones are:

  • TypeError: raised by functions to indicate that an argument is of incorrect type, such as passing a str where an int or float was expected.
  • ValueError: raised by functions to indicate that an argument is of the correct type but contains an invalid value, such as passing a negative number to a function that requires a nonnegative value.
  • KeyError: raised when a dict key does not exist.
  • IndexError: raised when an index to a sequence is out of range.

It is common to write functions to check the type and value of arguments and raise TypeError or ValueError before attempting to manipulate them. Here is an example factorial function which verifies the type and value of its parameter:

def factorial(n):
    Compute the factorial of n (n!).

    :param n: must be int
    :returns: n! (i.e. n factorial)
    :raises TypeError: if n is not an int
    :raises ValueError: if n is negative
    if not isinstance(n, int):
        raise TypeError("n must be int, got {}".format(n.__class__.__qualname__))
    if n < 0:
        raise ValueError("n must not be negative")
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n-1)

Note that Python favors duck typing, which means identifying an object’s “type” by its abilities, not its actual type (class). Using duck typing, the above factorial function would not explicitly use the isinstance function, but assume that n “acts” like an int, i.e. it defines the comparison and arithmetic operators as used by factorial.

When implementing your own library, it is common to define your own exceptions which are specific to your library. Exceptions are classes which inherit from Exception. Since the only important part of an exception’s definition is its type, and all of the required logic is implemented in Exception, the custom exception’s body can consist of only a docstring or the pass statement.

class MyCustomBaseException(Exception):

class MyCustomSpecificException(MyCustomBaseException):
    Raised when ...

The try Statement

The try statement is used to handle exceptions. Any code which might produce an exception that you want to handle must go in a try block. The try block must be followed by either an except block or a finally block. The except block is given the type of exception that you want it to handle. You can bind the exception object to a name using the as keyword. There can be multiple except blocks to check for different types of exceptions. If an exception is raised by code in the try block, the exception object’s type is checked against the types of the following except blocks; the first matching block is executed. This means that you must put except blocks for more specific types of exceptions before any except blocks for more general types of exceptions; if you put the more general type first then the more specific block won’t be executed. The last except block can omit the exception type; this is used to catch all exceptions. Within an except block, the raise statement without an argument will re-raise the exception; this is used to add cleanup code while still propagating the exception. After all except blocks, there can be an else block, which is executed only if the try block completed without exceptions. A finally block is can be placed at the end of the try statement. The finally block is always executed, regardless of whether an exception occurred or not.

x = int(input("Enter a number: "))
while True:
        y = factorial(x)
    except ValueError:
        print("You must enter a positive number or 0")
    except TypeError as e:
        print("Something unexpected occurred!")
        print("{x}! = {y}".format(x=x, y=y))
        x = int(input("Enter another number: "))

See the try statement.

The with Statement

The with statement is used to wrap a block with methods defined by a context manager. A context manager is defined by the methods __enter__ and __exit__. The expression given to with must evaluate to a context manager. The context manager’s __enter__ method is called and the return value is bound to the name following as. When the with block terminates, the context manager’s __exit__ method is called. The __exit__ method is always called, whether the with block terminated normally or due to an unhandled exception.

with expr as c:

# is roughly equal to 

manager = expr
c = manager.__enter__()
    del manager

Python’s built-in file type is a context manager whose __enter__ returns itself and __exit__ closes the file. Using files in a with statement ensures that they are closed properly.

with open("somefile.txt") as f:
    # if an error occurs here, the file will be closed
    data = f.read()

# at this point, the file is closed

Without the with statement, the above would have to be written like this:

f = open("somefile.txt")
    data = f.read()

See PEP 343.